Fquery, file query/sort The program, fquery, is free software, and can be redistributed and/or modified, without any restrictions. It is distributed with no warranty of any kind, implied or otherwise. Specifically, there is no warranty of fitness for any particular purpose and/or merchantability. Comments and/or bug reports should be addressed to: john@email.johncon.com (John Conover) Copyright (c) 1994, John Conover, All Rights Reserved Usage: FQUERY [-d[s]] [-p[c]] [-l[n]] [-o outfile] [arg1 ... argn] [infile(s)] Switches: -ds, use characters in string s for delimiters -pc, use character c as a non-consequtive delimiter -ln, use number n as a column delimiter -o outfile, the output file name is outfile infile(s), list of input file name(s) Arguments arg1 ... argn are a list of the following: [$j][[k]]:l, sort key = field j, column k, for l characters [$j][[k]]={string}, accept if field j, column k = string [$j][[k]]!{string}, reject if field j, column k = string Default field/column specifications: Field unspecified = entire unparsed record Column unspecified = 1st column Precedence: Right to left for accept/reject arguments Left to right for sort key arguments