In the perl source distribution dirctory there is an object module, uperl.o, which is the complete perl program except for a single undefined function, userinit (). This function is called from perl's initilization routines to provide the capabiity of adding functions, written in C, to the perl program. See the README in the usub directory of the perl sources for particulars. The module, ctree.c, exploits this capability to add the FairCom ctree database functions to perl, and contains the userinit (), usersub (), and userval () functions to enable the ctree database functions to be called directly from perl scripts. These modifications to the perl program are free software, and can be redistributed and/or modified, without any restrictions. It is distributed with no warranty of any kind, implied or otherwise. Specifically, there is no warranty of fitness for any particular purpose and/or merchantability. INSTALLATION: The perl sources and the FairCom ctree libraries will be required to install this module. The object module, uperl.o, and all of the .h files should be copied, from the perl source directory, into this directory. Edit the Makefile with the appropriate paths for your environment, paying particular attention to the comments in the header of the Makefile. Be shure that the compiler can find the ctree .h files. Type make to compile the executable, ctreeperl. This executable is the same as the perl executable, except that all of the ctree functions are available to perl scripts. An example program, "address," is provided to exercise all of the FairCom 'lowlevel' functions-it is a simple address database, and serves no other useful purpose than to test the functionality of the ctreeperl port-of particular interest is the record locking/dead lock functionality. (John Conover)