ROLO(1) USER COMMANDS ROLO(1) NAME rolo - Create and query flat text database files (Rolodex.) SYNOPSIS rolo [-c] [-f file_name] word1 word2 word3 ... rolo [-c] [-f file_name] -a [-t] word1 word2 word3 ... rolo [-c] [-f file_name] -d word1 word2 word3 ... rolo -v rolo -h rolo rolo DESCRIPTION R O L O version 0.4 Rolo stands for an electronic rolodex. Rolo creates, maintains, and queries the electonic rolodex. The program is written as a single script, in Bourne Shell. This program will create and query simple flat text database files. The program is useful in maintaining, for example the calendar(1) file, simple electronic rolodexes, and/or reminder services. The read synopsis is: rolo [-c] [-f file_name] word1 word2 word3 ... where word1 word2 word3 ... are the words that, when concatenated together with single spaces as delimiters, make up the record that is to be read from the database. If only one search word is specified, it can be a regular expression, compatible with egrep(1). The add record synopsis is: rolo [-c] [-f file_name] -a [-t] word1 word2 word3 ... where word1 word2 word3 ... are the words that, when concatenated together with single spaces as delimiters, make up the record that is to be added to the database. If the -t option is specified, the record added will be preceeded by the record's time stamp. If the -a option is not specified, the -t option has no effect. The delete record(s) synopsis is: rolo [-c] [-f file_name] -d word1 word2 word3 ... where word1 word2 word3 ... are the words that, when concatenated together with single spaces as delimiters, make up the partial record that is to be deleted from the database. If only one search word is specified, it can be a regular expression, compatible with egrep(1). ROLO(1) 7 Jan 92 1 ROLO(1) USER COMMANDS ROLO(1) The "-f file_name," optionally, specifies the flat text database file's name. If the "-f" option is not specified, the flat text database file's name will default to "$HOME.rolo." The "-c" option is identical to "-f $HOME/calendar." The version synopsis is: rolo -v which will print the version number of rolo. The help synopsis is: rolo -h which will list a synopsis of the command semantics. The program, rolo, is free software, and can be redistributed and/or modified, without any restrictions. It is distributed with no warranty of any kind, implied or otherwise. Specifically, there is no warranty of fitness for any particular purpose and/or merchantability. SEE ALSO cat(1), echo(1), egrep(1), mv(1), rm(1), sed(1). ROLO(1) 7 Jan 92 2