

Software For Algorithmic Trading Of Equities:

Frequently Asked Questions, (FAQs)

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  1. How does the tsinvest program work?
  2. What is the history of the tsinvest program?
  3. Can entropic methods be used to anticipate equity markets by calculation in one's head?
  4. Is there a science of equity value bubbles?
  5. Are equity markets efficient?
  6. Will the stock market go up forever?
  7. Is the stock market a zero-sum game?
  8. What about Long Term Capital Management's derivative and hedging methodology?
  9. How do you manage a stock portfolio?
  10. Is there a science of the New York Composite Index?
  11. Is there a science of Ascend Communications stock value?
  12. What about stock market gurus?
  13. Why do some stock market guru's prognostications turn out to be right?
  14. What is fractal analysis and why does it work on things like the stock market?
  15. Why is fractal analysis different than "static" analysis for things like the stock market?
  16. Are there professional organizations within the financial community that cater to fractal analysis?
  17. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to politics?
  18. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to the dot-com industrial market "bubble" failure?
  19. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to determine if an industrial market is a "bubble", or not?
  20. Industrial market issues for Cisco, and how the company handled them.
  21. The tragic WTC catastrophe, and the equity market's predictable reaction.
  22. The chances of the current economic downturn becoming a full fledged depression.
  23. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to industrial markets?
  24. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to organizational and management issues?
  25. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to the US GDP?
  26. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to the durations of civilizations?
  27. What is the relationship between fractal analysis, game theory, and entropic economics?

  1. How does the tsinvest program work, (1999-2010)?

    1. 1999-08-27 What does the phrase "likelihood of an up movement" for a stock mean?, concerning how the tsinvest program works.
    2. 1999-08-27 Re: What does the phrase "likelihood of an up movement" for a stock mean?, concerning how the tsinvest program works.
    3. 1999-08-27 Re: What does the phrase "likelihood of an up movement" for a stock mean?, concerning how the tsinvest program works.
    4. 1999-08-28 Persistence in the US equity market indices, concerning how the tsinvest program works.
    5. 1999-11-09 logistic non-linear extensions used in tsinvest, concerning how the tsinvest program works.
    6. 2000-12-14 script that does the same thing as tsinvest?, concerning alternative implementations of the algorithms in tsinvest, possibly using a spreadsheet.
    7. 2000-12-14 Re: script that does the same thing as tsinvest?, concerning the difference in interpretation of rms in the tsinvest and Black-Scholes models.
    8. 2000-12-17 Re: entropy spreadsheet, concerning data set size requirements of stochastic analysis.
    9. 2001-01-01 tsinvest file format, concerning changing the tsinvest input file format to read csv spreadsheet formats directly.
    10. 2001-01-03 Re: rms of indices, concerning the increase of the rms of marginal returns on the indices before a market "crash", and a digression into the verification of the model of equity prices used in tsinvest, and QA methodology.
    11. 2001-01-03 Re: rms of indices, concerning the increase of the rms of marginal returns on the indices before a market "crash", and a digression into the verification of the model of equity prices used in tsinvest, and QA methodology.
    12. 2001-01-03 Re: rms of indices, concerning the increase of the rms of marginal returns on the indices before a market "crash", and a digression into the verification of the model of equity prices used in tsinvest, and QA methodology.
    13. 2001-01-08 Data Set Size Requirements for Equity Price Analysis, concerning how long price data must be measured for adaquate numerical precision and accuracy.
    14. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems, and the way tsinvest works.
    15. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems, and the way tsinvest works.
    16. 2001-05-01 Re: Compiling tsinvest on Win98, concerning Ron McEwan's compiling of tsinvest on Win98.
    17. 2001-06-04 Re: NtropiX+NNet idea, concerning persistence in equity market time series, and market inefficiency.
    18. 2001-06-05 Re: NtropiX+NNet idea, concerning persistence in equity market time series, and market inefficiency.
    19. 2001-06-05 Re: NtropiX+NNet idea, concerning persistence in equity market time series, and market inefficiency.
    20. 2001-08-13 Stochastic informatics spam filter, concerning information-theoretic spam filtering.
    21. 2001-10-04 Electric Money, concerning the PBS program and how Farmer/Packard is implemented in tsinvest.
    22. 2001-10-04 Re: Electric Money, concerning the PBS program and how Farmer/Packard is implemented in tsinvest.
    23. 2002-02-13 Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems I, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems.
    24. 2002-02-17 Re: Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems, concerning a question on methodology.
    25. 2002-02-17 Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems II, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems, and the concepts of the log-normal distribution.
    26. 2002-02-18 Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems III, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems, and the concepts of the dynamics of the log-normal distribution.
    27. 2002-03-03 Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems IV, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems, and the concepts of the systemic dynamics.
    28. 2002-03-26 Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems V, concerning an application of financial engineering, and a simple portfolio management strategy.
    29. 2002-05-08 Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems Addendum, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems, analysis of the US GDP and the NASDAQ with recent data.
    30. 2002-06-24 Version 1.4 of tsinvest, concerning new releases of the tsinvest and fractal programs.
    31. 2002-06-25 Windows Me, (Millennium), executable of tsinvest version 1.4, concerning Ron McEwan's compile of tsinvest version 1.4 for Windows Me .
    32. 2002-07-13 Group of banks sue WorldCom. - Jul. 13, 2002, concerning CNN's article on the collapse of WorldCom, and an analysis of whether shenanigans in the executive suites can actually influence markets.
    33. 2002-07-27 Re: Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems Addendum, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems, analysis of the US GDP and the NASDAQ with recent data, and the addition of an analysis of the recent decline in the DJIA, NASDAQ, and S&P500.
    34. 2002-08-19 Are the US Equity Markets Undervalued?, concerning a methodology for analyzing the value of the US indices.
    35. 2003-01-04 Re: Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems Addendum, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems, analysis of the US GDP and the NASDAQ with recent data, and the addition of an analysis of the recent decline in the DJIA, NASDAQ, and S&P500, and an analysis of significant declines in the US equity market indices in the last hundred years.
    36. 2003-01-08 Re: Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems III, concerning a methodology for optimizing high entropy economic systems, analyzing the dynamics of the Yen/DollarUS currency exchange rate, and applications to derivatives and hedging.
    37. 2003-01-08 $674 billion sounds like a lot of money-or is it?, concerning the Bush $674B Economic Stimulus Plan.
    38. 2003-01-09 Re: $674 billion sounds like a lot of money-or is it?, concerning the Bush $674B Economic Stimulus Plan.
    39. 2003-01-09 Re: $674 billion sounds like a lot of money-or is it?, concerning the Bush $674B Economic Stimulus Plan.
    40. 2003-01-17 Will Silicon Valley get its mojo back? - Tech News - CNET.com; Was Re: Fwd: [RT] Buffett Forecasts Eight Bad Years, concerning Warren Buffett's economic prognostications of 2001-08-28.
    41. 2003-01-30 Re: Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems IV, concerning a methodology for risk metrics involving Pareto-Levy distributions with leptokurtosis.
    42. 2003-03-22 Tsinvest's -c and -C Option, concerning the method that the tsinvest program uses to handle equity market "bubbles" and inadequate data set sizes.
    43. 2003-03-22 Re: Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems III, concerning a non-linear high entropy analysis of gold prices.
    44. 2003-04-03 Tsinvest Version 1.5, concerning a new release of the tsinvest program.
    45. 2003-04-03 Ndustrix Version 1.5, concerning a new release of the NdustriX program suite.
    46. 2003-04-03 Company Valuation, concerning an entropic methodology of company valuations and the history of the NformatiX, NdustriX, and, NtropiX sites.
    47. 2003-04-03 Re: Tsinvest Version 1.5, concerning the Microsoft XP(c) version of the tsinvest program.
    48. 2003-06-08 A cute equity exchange simulation, concerning the possibility of making money on equities that don't move.
    49. 2003-06-08 An approximation for data set size risk, concerning a simple method of handling small data set sizes in equity time series.
    50. 2003-06-26 Deflation, concerning a deflation analysis added to.
    51. 2004-05-25 Additions to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems, concerning additions to the series.
    52. 2004-10-15 Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VI, concerning the effects of leptokurtosis on the analysis of financial time series.
    53. 2005-03-11 Code changes to tsinvest/NtropiX and the NdustriX utilities, ISO C89 compliance formalities.
    54. 2006-08-13 Additional Section to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VI, addition of Laplacian distributed leptokurtosis.
    55. 2006-08-22 Computer-based models to replace the investment advisor?, concerning an article in The Register.
    56. 2007-02-01 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VII, ubiquity of high entropy systems-analyzing web server hits.
    57. 2008-06-06 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems Addendum, concerning crude oil futures prices.
    58. 2008-07-14 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems Addendum, concerning US FDIC Bank failures.
    59. 2008-10-06 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VII, concerning how bad the 2008 financial crisis will be.
    60. 2008-10-23 Assessment of Risk, concerning Alan Greenspan's Congressional testimony and the inaccuracy of risk models.
    61. 2008-11-15 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VII, concerning the frailty of analysis in macroeconomics.
    62. 2009-10-06 Good article on financial risk, concerning an intuitive understanding of the way the tsinvest program works.
    63. 2010-03-09 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VII, concerning Black Swan incremental movements and the Laplacian distribution of marginal increments of asset values in financial time series.
    64. 2010-10-20 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VII, concerning the durability of hedge funds.
    65. 2011-06-06 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems Addendum, concerning forensics of the "Great Recession."

  2. What is the history of the tsinvest program, (1997-1998)?

    1. 1997-02-07 970207.13.gz, concerning the archive of the initial announcement of tsinvest(1) in the comp.os.linux.announce newsgroup
    2. 1997-03-17 new tsinvest release, concerning release of tsinvest(1), and the details of how it works.
    3. 1997-03-22 Re: Article in Worth magazine..., concerning the tsinvest(1) program, and an article in Worth magazine.
    4. 1998-02-09 Rilasciato tsinvest, versione 0.4, programma per compravendita di azioni, concerning the announcement of tsinvest in Italy.

  3. Can entropic methods be used to anticipate equity markets by calculation in one's head, (1998-2005)?

    1. 1998-01-10 forwarded message from Spirit Of Truth Page, concerning a simple fractal model of equity markets that can be calculated in one's head, (and turned into truth in prognosticating).
    2. 1998-01-31 Re: forwarded message from Spirit Of Truth Page, concerning a simple fractal model of equity markets that can be calculated in one's head, (and turned into truth in prognosticating).
    3. 1999-01-09 Re: Truth in prognostication, concerning a simple fractal model of equity markets that can be calculated in one's head, (and turned into truth in prognosticating).
    4. 2001-01-10 Re: forwarded message from Spirit Of Truth Page, concerning a simple fractal model of equity markets that can be calculated in one's head, (and turned into truth in prognosticating).
    5. 2001-08-27 Re: Fwd: [RT] Buffett Forecasts Eight Bad Years, concerning Warren Buffett's economic prognostications.
    6. 2001-08-28 Re: Fwd: [RT] Buffett Forecasts Eight Bad Years, concerning Warren Buffett's economic prognostications.
    7. 2002-11-05 US Equity Markets Turn Good Monthly Numbers, concerning October, 2002 being a very good month for the US Equity markets.
    8. 2003-01-03 Chances of a down market, four years in a row?, concerning the chances that the US equity market indices will end down for 2003.
    9. 2005-08-08 Data Set Sizes, concerning data set size requirements for quantitative analysis of equity prices.

  4. Is there a science of equity value bubbles, (1998-2005)?

    1. 1998-12-29 Fractal "bubbles", Re: Business News from Wired News, concerning equity value bubbles.
    2. 1998-12-29 Re: Fractal "bubbles", Re: Business News from Wired News, concerning equity value bubbles.
    3. 1998-12-30 Re: Fractal "bubbles", Re: Business News from Wired News, concerning equity value bubbles.
    4. 1998-12-30 Re: Fractal "bubbles", Re: Business News from Wired News, concerning equity value bubbles.
    5. 1999-02-04 Cute graph of the DJIA, concerning a long term stochastic simulation of the DJIA.
    6. 1999-02-12 Re: Fractal "bubbles", Re: Business News from Wired News, and Re: Positive & Negative Bubbles in Asian Markets, concerning equity value bubbles.
    7. 1999-08-18 Re: Speculative bubbles and internet stocks, concerning the run length of bull markets, speculation, and over valuation.
    8. 1999-08-24 Re: Stock Price Modelling, concerning fractional Brownian motion models of equity prices.
    9. 1999-10-31 Re: Cycles or random shocks?, concerning the chances of a 1929 type of market crash.
    10. 2000-10-12 Decline in NASDAQ, concerning the recent drop in NASDAQ value.
    11. 2000-11-30 Chances of NASDAQ being down this far?, concerning the recent drop in NASDAQ value.
    12. 2000-12-21 TheStandard.com: Nightmare on Wall Street, concerning a comparison of the stock market in the Great Depression and the current decline in the NASDAQ.
    13. 2000-12-29 Re: News: Technology Stocks Had A Bad November, concerning the decline in the NASDAQ, the probabilities that it could happen, and how to address the issue.
    14. 2000-12-29 Re: News: Technology Stocks Had A Bad November, concerning the decline in the NASDAQ, the probabilities that it could happen, and how to address the issue.
    15. 2000-12-29 Re: News: Technology Stocks Had A Bad November, concerning the decline in the NASDAQ, the probabilities that it could happen, and how to address the issue.
    16. 2000-12-29 Re: News: Technology Stocks Had A Bad November, concerning the decline in the NASDAQ, the probabilities that it could happen, and how to address the issue.
    17. 2001-02-14 Re: NASDAQ today vs DJIA of Great Depression, concerning a comparison of the stock market in the Great Depression and the current decline in the NASDAQ.
    18. 2001-03-09 A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning a comparison of the stock market in the Great Depression and the current decline in the NASDAQ.
    19. 2001-03-09 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning a comparison of the stock market in the Great Depression and the current decline in the NASDAQ.
    20. 2001-03-11 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning a comparison of the stock market in the Great Depression and the current decline in the NASDAQ.
    21. 2001-03-18 Re: Harsh New Bankruptcy Laws followed immediately by Market Crash, concerning how greed was the engine of the equity market "bubble," and why we should have known better.
    22. 2001-04-27 Re: Recessions and Depressions are only a 20th century onwards, concerning historical "bubbles", and depressions/recessions-specifically the South Sea and tulip "bubbles" of the 17'th and 18'th centuries.
    23. 2002-01-16 Dot-Com crash analysis, concerning yet another analysis of the dot-com "bubble".
    24. 2002-02-10 Did gourmet coffee cause dot-com bust? - Tech News - CNET.com, concerning yet another analysis of the dot-com "bubble".
    25. 2002-05-05 Estimates of magnitude and duration of equity market recession, concerning how deep, and how long, the current recession will be.
    26. 2003-06-09 Analyzing the Health of the US Equity Markets, concerning a method of forecasting equity market health.
    27. 2003-06-09 Median Value of DJIA as a Function of Data Set Size, concerning data set size uncertainty in finding the median value of the DJIA.
    28. 2003-12-11 DJIA Closed Above 10,000 Today, concerning bragging rights on predicting when the DJIA would bottom.
    29. 2003-12-11 Re: DJIA Closed Above 10,000 Today, concerning bragging rights on predicting the cumulative number of cases of SARS, world wide.
    30. 2004-01-02 Database for tsinvest/NtropiX/NdustriX, concerning the high speed database used with the tsinvest/NtropiX/NdustriX program suites.
    31. 2005-10-18 Subject: Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VI, addition describing an empirical methodology of determining the frequency rate of long term rare economic catastrophies, including leptokurtosis.

  5. Are equity markets efficient, (2000, in order)?

    1. 2000-07-28 Re: Poll on market efficiency, concerning entropic methodologies for metrics on equity market efficiency.
    2. 2000-08-03 Re: Poll on market efficiency, concerning entropic methodologies for metrics on equity market efficiency.
    3. 2000-08-04 Re: Poll on market efficiency, concerning entropic methodologies for metrics on equity market efficiency.
    4. 2000-08-05 Re: Poll on market efficiency, concerning entropic methodologies for metrics on equity market efficiency.
    5. 2000-12-14 Re: script that does the same thing as tsinvest?, concerning whether stocks on the US exchanges have optimized risk and growth, and its management by the executive suite.

  6. Will the stock market go up forever, (1999, in order)?

    1. 1999-01-25 Re: Will the stock market go up forever?, concerning the chances of the US equity markets will go up forever.
    2. 1999-01-27 Re: Will the stock market go up forever?, concerning the chances of the US equity markets will go up forever.
    3. 1999-01-28 Re: Will the stock market go up forever?, concerning the chances of the US equity markets will go up forever.
    4. 1999-01-30 Re: Will the stock market go up forever?, concerning the chances of the US equity markets will go up forever.
    5. 1999-02-05 Re: Will the stock market go up forever?, concerning the chances of the US equity markets will go up forever.
    6. 1999-02-05 Re: Will the stock market go up forever?, concerning the chances of the US equity markets will go up forever.

  7. Is the stock market a zero-sum game, (1999-2000)?

    1. 1999-01-24 Re: Stock Market - A Zero Sum game or not?, concerning why day trading is considered by many to be a zero-sum game-theoretic issue.
    2. 2000-12-31 Re: Rolling 10 or 5 year market performance question, concerning empirical evidence that equity prices, and the longevity of companies, are a zero-sum game.
    3. 2000-12-31 Re: Rolling 10 or 5 year market performance question, concerning empirical evidence that equity prices, and the longevity of companies, are a zero-sum game.

  8. What about Long Term Capital Management's derivative and hedging methodology, (1999, in order)?

    1. 1999-01-19 Re: LTCM and Low-Probability Events, concerning Long Term Capital Management's derivative and hedging methodology and issues.
    2. 1999-01-20 Re: LTCM and Low-Probability Events, concerning Long Term Capital Management's derivative and hedging methodology and issues.
    3. 1999-01-21 Re: LTCM and Low-Probability Events, concerning Long Term Capital Management's derivative and hedging methodology and issues.
    4. 1999-01-22 Re: LTCM and Low-Probability Events, concerning Long Term Capital Management's derivative and hedging methodology and issues.
    5. 1999-01-23 Re: LTCM and Low-Probability Events, concerning Long Term Capital Management's derivative and hedging methodology and issues.

  9. How do you manage a stock portfolio, (1998, in order)?

    1. 1998-09-18 portfolio management, concerning the formalities of portfolio management.
    2. 1998-09-19 Re: portfolio management, concerning the formalities of portfolio management.
    3. 1998-09-19 Re: portfolio management, concerning the formalities of portfolio management.
    4. 1998-09-19 Re: portfolio management, concerning the formalities of portfolio management.
    5. 1998-09-19 Re: portfolio management, concerning the formalities of portfolio management.
    6. 1998-09-19 Re: portfolio management, concerning the formalities of portfolio management.

  10. Is there a science of the New York Composite Index, (1998, in order)?

    1. 1998-08-07 Re: Exposing my ignorance, concerning chaotic analysis of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    2. 1998-08-07 Re: Exposing my ignorance, concerning chaotic analysis of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    3. 1998-08-07 Re: Exposing my ignorance, concerning chaotic analysis of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    4. 1998-08-07 Re: Exposing my ignorance, concerning chaotic analysis of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    5. 1998-08-14 forwarded message from William F. Hummel, concerning a simple fractal model of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    6. 1998-08-14 Re: forwarded message from William F. Hummel, concerning a simple fractal model of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    7. 1998-08-14 Re: forwarded message from William F. Hummel, concerning a simple fractal model of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    8. 1998-08-14 Re: forwarded message from William F. Hummel, concerning a simple fractal model of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    9. 1998-08-15 Re: forwarded message from William F. Hummel, concerning a simple fractal model of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    10. 1998-08-15 Re: forwarded message from William F. Hummel, concerning a simple fractal model of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.
    11. 1998-08-15 Re: forwarded message from William F. Hummel, concerning a simple fractal model of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.

  11. Is there a science of Ascend Communications (ASND) stock value, (1998, in order)?

    1. 1998-08-06 Re: Exposing my ignorance, concerning fractal analysis of Ascend Communication's equity price.
    2. 1998-08-06 Re: Exposing my ignorance, concerning fractal analysis of Ascend Communication's equity price.

  12. What about stock market gurus, (1996-2000)?

    1. 1996-09-23 Re: Deming's comment "in God we trust-all others bring data.", concerning correlative prognostications of equity prices, (7 out of the last 10 election years had financial bull markets.)"
    2. 1996-10-29 Re: forwarded message from John Conover, concerning economic prognostications, specifically, Garzarelli's.
    3. 1996-10-29 Re: forwarded message from John Conover, concerning economic prognostications.
    4. 1996-10-29 Re: forwarded message from John Conover, concerning economic prognostications.
    5. 1996-11-01 Re: forwarded message from John Conover, concerning economic prognostications, specifically, Garzarelli's, portfolio optimization, and contradictions with the Union Bank of Switzerland.
    6. 1996-11-01 Re: forwarded message from John Conover, concerning economic prognostications, specifically, Garzarelli's, portfolio optimization, and a proof.
    7. 1996-11-18 Copper Prices Surge as Rumors Discounted, concerning copper prices as an indicator in equity markets-concerning economic prognostications.
    8. 1997-04-02 Human beats Chimp on Wall Street, concerning Mr. Frank Curzio's portfolio management beating Casey the Chimp.
    9. 1998-10-13 forwarded message from John Conover, concerning equity market gurus, and my opinion of them.
    10. 2000-10-08 Re: forwarded message from Dennis Krull, concerning the prognostications of Wall Street Week's Elves

  13. Why do some stock market guru's prognostications turn out to be right, (1997)?

    1. 1997-01-25 Re: Crash, or long "bear" market?, concerning economic prognostications, and why they frequently seem to be correct, citing years that end in 7 are bear markets.

  14. What is fractal analysis and why does it work on things like the stock market, (1993-2005)?

    1. 1993-09-20 Stock Market, concerning the application of entropic economics to equity markets.
    2. 1993-10-08 more on stock market, concerning the application of entropic economics to equity markets.
    3. 1996-11-17 Equity Markets, concerning how "moods" and "nervousness" make fractal characteristics in the equity markets.
    4. 1996-12-23 Re: Financial engineering article, concerning an answer as to why equity markets, and a lot of other things in economics, are fractal in nature, referencing self-referential systems.
    5. 1996-12-25 Re: Financial engineering article, concerning an answer as to why equity markets, and a lot of other things in economics, are fractal in nature.
    6. 1997-01-23 Re: forwarded message from Kimberly Bodelson, concerning market crashes, and their fractal description, with a history of the NYSE through the century.
    7. 1997-03-20 forwarded message from John Conover, concerning a conceptual understanding of equity market sell-offs-an application of fractal analysis.
    8. 1998-01-16 Answers to questions on fractals ..., general answers to questions on entropic economics, specifically, equity values.
    9. 2001-11-01 forwarded message from Jeff Brantingham SFI Colloquium Thursday, November 8, 3pm: "Understanding the nearly random walk of prices," Doyne Farmer, concerning Doyne Farmer's lecture on nearly random walk stock price models.
    10. 2001-11-05 forwarded message from Jeff Brantingham, concerning a statistical approach to the problem of economic equilibrium/Victor Sergeev, and a nonlinear entropic economic model that reconciles macro/static/equilibrium and entropic concepts.
    11. 2005-11-26 William Poundstone's new book, concerning "Fortune's Formula."

  15. Why is fractal analysis different than "static" analysis for things like the stock market, (1995-1996)?

    1. 1995-04-14 Re: [wbaker@splat.baker.com: ..., game-theoretic issues concerning the risk of equity investment, and litigation.
    2. 1996-01-17 Intel stock, concerning the use of correlative methods, ie., Rational Market Hypothesis, used in equity value forecasting, and relation to investing in tulip bulbs in 16'th century Holland, and fractal analysis of investments.

  16. Are there professional organizations within the financial community that cater to fractal analysis, (1996-1997)?

    1. 1996-03-26 Option and Derivative pricing., concerning an opinion that financial engineering should be a curriculum under the department of engineering.
    2. 1997-02-25 CIFEr'97 Tutorial on Models for Stochastic Volatility - NY, March 23, 1997, concerning the relationship of Hartley and Shannon information to electronics, and equity values.

  17. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to politics, (2000-2008)?

    1. 2000-11-03 Re: CNET.com - News - E-Business - Latest dot-com bomb: TheMan.com, concerning the application of entropic economics to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    2. 2000-11-03 Re: CNET.com - News - E-Business - Latest dot-com bomb: TheMan.com, concerning the application of entropic economics to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    3. 2000-11-03 Re: CNET.com - News - E-Business - Latest dot-com bomb: TheMan.com, concerning the application of entropic economics to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    4. 2000-11-05 Re: Economics is a science, concerning the application of entropic economics and game theory to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    5. 2000-11-10 Re: CNET.com - News - E-Business - Latest dot-com bomb: TheMan.com, concerning the application of entropic economics to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    6. 2000-11-11 Re: CNET.com - News - E-Business - Latest dot-com bomb: TheMan.com, concerning the application of entropic economics to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    7. 2000-11-11 Re: CNET.com - News - E-Business - Latest dot-com bomb: TheMan.com, concerning the application of entropic economics to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    8. 2000-11-13 Re: Economics is a science, concerning the application of entropic economics and game theory to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    9. 2000-11-13 Re: (election) Where are the Americans?, concerning the application of entropic economics and game theory to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    10. 2000-11-14 Re: (election) Where are the Americans?, concerning the application of entropic economics and game theory to the Bush/Gore 2000 election.
    11. 2003-08-11 The California Recall Polls, concerning the chances of the contenders.
    12. 2003-08-18 Re: The California Recall Polls, concerning the chances of the contenders.
    13. 2003-08-26 Re: The California Recall Polls, concerning the chances of the contenders.
    14. 2004-09-20 Bush/Kerry optimal wagers, concerning the chances of Bush, or Kerry, winning the 2004 Presidential Election.
    15. 2004-10-07 Bush/Kerry optimal wagers, concerning the chances of Bush, or Kerry, winning the 2004 Presidential Election.
    16. 2004-10-07 Bush/Kerry optimal wagers, concerning the chances of Bush, or Kerry, winning the 2004 Presidential Election.
    17. 2004-10-27 Bush/Kerry optimal wagers, concerning the chances of Bush, or Kerry, winning the 2004 Presidential Election, by Electoral vote.
    18. 2004-10-28 Bush/Kerry optimal wagers, concerning the chances of Bush, or Kerry, winning the 2004 Presidential Election, the chances of a tie, and contested vote .
    19. 2004-10-31 Bush/Kerry optimal wagers, concerning the chances of Bush, or Kerry, winning the 2004 Presidential Election, some assessment of the 18-21 year old voting demographics.
    20. 2004-11-01 Bush/Kerry optimal wagers, concerning the chances of Bush, or Kerry, winning the 2004 Presidential Election, short term dynamics.
    21. 2006-08-22 The Mathematical Structure of Terrorism, regarding the article on Physorg and the study at Los Alamos National Laborator.
    22. 2007-11-06 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VII, concerning using log-normal distributions to project poll data in the 2008 Presidential Election.
    23. 2008-03-27 Addition to Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear High Entropy Economic Systems VII, concerning projections for the decline in asset/housing prices.

  18. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to the dot-com industrial market "bubble" failure, (2001-2003)?

    1. 2001-05-06 The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    2. 2001-05-06 Re: The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    3. 2001-05-06 Re: The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    4. 2001-05-06 Re: The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    5. 2001-05-06 Re: The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    6. 2001-05-06 Re: The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    7. 2001-05-06 Re: The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    8. 2001-05-06 Re: The Standard: Warning: Recession Ahead, concerning the inevitability of the collapse of the industry, how the "bubble" happened, and who's fault it was that the largest generation of wealth in the seven millennia history of commerce became the biggest loss of wealth in only five years.
    9. 2003-01-30 AOL/TW posts biggest annual corporate loss in world history, concerning the comparative magnitude of the write down.

  19. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to determine if an industrial market is a "bubble", or not, (1998-2000)?

    1. 1998-11-26 Previous 2 archive articles., concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    2. 1999-02-04 ZDNN: Evaluating 'the Linux factor', concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    3. 1999-07-30 Re: [svlug] RedHat scam? I don't think so...but misunderstood? Yep., concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    4. 1999-11-27 Re: Technological Path Dependencies and Inefficiency, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    5. 1999-11-28 [svlug] forwarded message from john@email.johncon.com, Re: Technological Path Dependencies and Inefficiency, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    6. 2000-02-22 vnunet.com [Linux] Linux: long-term commitment or a flash in the pan?, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    7. 2000-02-22 Re: vnunet.com [Linux] Linux: long-term commitment or a flash in the pan?, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    8. 2000-05-02 E-Commerce Times: Breaking News, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    9. 2000-05-08 CNET.com - News - Enterprise Computing - Red Hat rethinks news site, portal plans, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    10. 2000-05-09 Re: They're Crammed in Like Cattle, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    11. 2000-06-01 ZDNet: News: Rumors and Comment, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    12. 2000-06-15 Re: Yet another bot, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.
    13. 2000-06-19 ZDNet: eWEEK: Why faux Linux companies won't fly, concerning whether the "Linux Phenomena" is a market "bubble", or not.

  20. Industrial market issues for Cisco, and how the company handled them, (2001, in order).

    1. 2001-08-03 Re: (no subject), concerning how well Cisco handled the techno-market "bubble", and the accuracy, (i.e., the predictive quality,) of the macroeconomic paradigm.
    2. 2001-08-03 Re: (no subject), concerning how well Cisco handled the techno-market "bubble", and the accuracy, (i.e., the predictive quality,) of the macroeconomic paradigm.
    3. 2001-08-03 Re: (no subject), concerning how well Cisco handled the techno-market "bubble", and the accuracy, (i.e., the predictive quality,) of the macroeconomic paradigm.
    4. 2001-08-03 Re: (no subject), concerning how well Cisco handled the techno-market "bubble", and the accuracy, (i.e., the predictive quality,) of the macroeconomic paradigm.
    5. 2001-08-03 Re: (no subject), concerning how well Cisco handled the techno-market "bubble", and the accuracy, (i.e., the predictive quality,) of the macroeconomic paradigm.
    6. 2001-08-06 Re: (no subject), concerning how well Cisco handled the techno-market "bubble", and the accuracy, (i.e., the predictive quality,) of the macroeconomic paradigm.
    7. 2001-08-06 Re: (no subject), concerning how well Cisco handled the techno-market "bubble", and the accuracy, (i.e., the predictive quality,) of the macroeconomic paradigm.

  21. The tragic WTC catastrophe, and the equity market's predictable reaction, (2001, in order).

    1. 2001-09-20 U.S. recovery: Recession is certain, economists say, concerning the WTC catastrophe being a 4 sigma event, and the equity market's predictable reaction.
    2. 2001-09-21 Re: U.S. recovery: Recession is certain, economists say, concerning the WTC catastrophe being a 4 sigma event, and the equity market's predictable reaction.
    3. 2001-09-21 Re: U.S. recovery: Recession is certain, economists say, concerning the WTC catastrophe being a 4 sigma event, and the equity market's predictable reaction.
    4. 2001-09-21 Re: U.S. recovery: Recession is certain, economists say, concerning the WTC catastrophe being a 4 sigma event, and the equity market's predictable reaction.

  22. The chances of the current economic downturn becoming a full fledged depression, (2001, in order).

    1. 2001-11-05 News: Futurist: markets, attacks, point to possible depression, concerning the likelihood that a depression is imminent.
    2. 2001-11-05 Re: News: Futurist: markets, attacks, point to possible depression, concerning the likelihood that a depression is imminent.

  23. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to industrial markets, (1994-2002)?

    1. 1994-12-16 Re: Semiconductor Industry analysis, concerning optimal operational agenda and risk management in business.
    2. 1996-02-19 Re: LO and Big Layoffs LO5705, concerning the intransitiveness of ranking priorities, social systems, capitalism, and industrial market outcomes.
    3. 1998-10-14 Electronic Components Shipments Industrial Marketplace, concerning a simple fractal model of the durations of the recessions in the electronics industry.
    4. 1998-10-14 Re: Electronic Components Shipments Industrial Marketplace, concerning a simple fractal model of the durations of the recessions in the electronics industry.
    5. 1998-10-14 Re: Electronic Components Shipments Industrial Marketplace, concerning a simple fractal model of the durations of the recessions in the electronics industry.
    6. 1998-10-14 Re: Electronic Components Shipments Industrial Marketplace, concerning a simple fractal model of the durations of the recessions in the electronics industry.
    7. 1998-12-14 Re: Path dependence and costs of changing paths, concerning path dependency and run lengths of industrial markets.
    8. 1999-05-09 Re: the prescence of monopolies such as Microsoft; what to do about them, concerning a fractal model of monopolies.
    9. 1999-10-19 Re: Plain English Pareto 80/20 explanation ?, concerning 80% of a company's GR coming from 20% of its products-a fractal interpretation.
    10. 1999-11-01 Re: Economics Perfidy: Economics Literacy Test, concerning Debreu/Nash interpretation of industries evolve into an oligopoly.
    11. 2000-12-14 Re: script that does the same thing as tsinvest?, concerning the time duration that companies are listed on the US exchanges.
    12. 2000-12-25 Re: News: Dot.com Demises Part Of Economic Life Cycle, concerning the application of stochastic calculus to the durability of corporations.
    13. 2000-12-25 Re: News: Dot.com Demises Part Of Economic Life Cycle, concerning the application of stochastic calculus to the durability of corporations.
    14. 2001-11-02 Re: DJIA data back to 1896, concerning Re: DJIA starting in 1895, and the duration of companies being listed on the DJIA through the 20'th century.
    15. 2002-08-21 Re: Follow the Money, concerning progressive tax systems, socialism, and an article by Brian Hayes on Pareto distributions, econophysics, etc., from American Scientist.

  24. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to organizational and management issues, (1994-1998)?

    1. 1994-04-20 Organization, concerning electronic mediation of work groups, game theory, and group dynamics.
    2. 1994-05-03 Re: Re[4]: Hi, concerning groups, computability, and game-theory.
    3. 1994-05-09 Organization, concerning electronic mediated groups, dynamics, intellectual teamwork, game-theoretic issues.
    4. 1994-08-04 Re: Re[2]: iefbr14 etc, concerning the implications of game theory and the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in organizations.
    5. 1994-08-04 References, references for implications of game theory and the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in organizations.
    6. 1994-08-17 Intransitives of Determination of Priorities, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    7. 1994-08-18 BPR-L Intransitives of Determination of Priorities, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    8. 1994-08-18 Re: Intransitives of Determina, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    9. 1994-08-19 Re: BPR-L Intransitives of Determination of Priorities, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    10. 1994-08-19 Re: Re: BPR-L Intransitives of Determination of Priorities, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    11. 1994-08-24 Re: Re: Re: BPR-L Intransitives of Determination of Priorities, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    12. 1994-08-24 Re: Re: Re: Re: BPR-L Intransitives of Determination of Prioriti, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    13. 1994-08-27 Re: Intransitives of Determination of Priorities, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering.
    14. 1994-09-10 Thanks, concerning the implications of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in Business Process Reengineering and other logical process issues.
    15. 1994-12-16 Re: genetic algorithms and learning org, concerning use of genetic algorithms to optimize and model organizations.
    16. 1994-12-16 forwarded message from Steve.Childe xtn, concerning management consultants and the intransitiveness of ordering priorities.
    17. 1994-12-16 Re: When are SD models appropriate?, concerning game-theoretic models of capitalism.
    18. 1995-01-16 Re: Re[2]: Re: Business as War], concerning legal theory and the logical its inconsistencies with game theory and the intransitiveness of ordering priorities.
    19. 1995-01-16 Re: Creating a Company Vision, concerning the unpredictability of the collapse of social systems.
    20. 1995-01-16 Re: Metaphor and Mental Models, concerning the game-theoretic limitations of the decision process in groups.
    21. 1995-01-19 Re: Executive personalities, concerning the decision process and intransitiveness of ranking priorities.
    22. 1995-01-24 Re: Executive personalities, concerning the decision process and intransitiveness of ranking priorities.
    23. 1995-01-28 Re: Mindless reductionism, concerning the inapplicability of reductionism to the problem of the intransitiveness of ranking priorities in an organization.
    24. 1995-02-08 Re: Is speed/technology really progress? LO39 concerning emergent behavior of complexity theory with organizational dynamics.
    25. 1995-02-11 Re: Intro -- Dave Swenson LO61, concerning the learning of strategic thinking.
    26. 1995-02-11 Re: Speed, Technology, Progress LO82, concerning learning, pedagogy, andragogy and the learning organization.
    27. 1995-02-20 Bureaucracy, Efficiency, Learning LO149, concerning the application of algorithmic principles to organizational structures-contains a mathematical definition of bureaucracy.
    28. 1995-02-21 Your previous question, concerning the application of algorithmic principles to organizational structures, non-linearity and scalability of organizations.
    29. 1995-02-21 Re: Philosophy underlying LO? LO179, concerning the failure of axiomatic methods (reductionism,) in organizational, administrative, and business models.
    30. 1995-02-28 Re: Philosophy underlying LO? LO272, concerning the failure of axiomatic methods reductionism, and deductive vs inductive reasoning.
    31. 1995-02-28 Re: Philosophy underlying LO? LO274, concerning the fractal nature of history, citing George Washington's managerial incompetence.
    32. 1995-03-22 Re: Slinky, concerning the enigma of game-theoretic justification of wars.
    33. 1995-03-22 Politics LO512, concerning the enigma of game-theoretic justification of wars.
    34. 1995-10-18 Re: IDEF0 to IDEF1x, concerning the relationship between the model of a business process and its data model.
    35. 1995-10-18 Re: Software Project Manager Alleged Narrowness?, concerning the non-linear relationship between the complexity of a project and the resources required to do it.
    36. 1995-11-20 Fractals, concerning the fractal nature of business processes.
    37. 1995-12-06 Fractal Organizations, concerning the fractal nature of business processes and their optimization.
    38. 1995-12-06 Fractals LO4107, concerning the fractal nature of business processes and their optimization.
    39. 1995-12-07 Re: Fractals LO4137, concerning the fractal nature of business processes and their optimization.
    40. 1996-01-10 Re: EMT - Product and mtkg meeting Thurs 1/11, concerning the intransitivity of priorities and social process.
    41. 1996-01-12 Re: reminder to send james and I the contact info, concerning the techno-trap that technical entrepreneurs fall into.
    42. 1996-01-15 Re: Involvement and Partic LO4866, concerning the "Hawthorne Effect" in worker incentives.
    43. 1996-01-29 Re: Reward Systems, concerning the "Hawthorne Effect" in worker incentives.
    44. 1996-01-29 forwarded message from John Conover, concerning the "Hawthorne Effect" in worker incentives.
    45. 1996-02-20 Re: Shift to seeing systems LO5749, concerning equity values, layoffs, and handling CEO's.
    46. 1996-02-21 Re: Cooperation & Trust LO5766, concerning Robert Axelrod's contributions to the theory of cooperation.
    47. 1996-02-23 Re: Measures of LO Effectiveness LO5795, concerning the use of fractal analysis as a methodology for organizational metrics.
    48. 1996-02-29 forwarded message from Kimberly Bodelson, concerning the use of complexity theory in anthropological research.
    49. 1996-04-02 Re: Dealing with Complexity LO6372, concerning the use of complexity theory in the world of business.
    50. 1996-04-06 Isn't the budget process a Zero-Sum Game?, concerning the argument that the budget process is inherently a zero-sum game, with all its consequences.
    51. 1996-04-29 Re: Teaching Leadership LO7047, concerning Peter Drucker's comments on administrative hierarchy and the intransitiveness of ranking priorities.
    52. 1996-06-05 forwarded message from Valdis E. Krebs, concerning informal leaders in organizations, NASA's "group advise-one man decisions", and the concept of increasing returns and fractal dynamics.
    53. 1996-06-05 Re: Informal Networks LO7743, concerning informal leaders in organizations, NASA's "group advise-one man decisions", and the concept of increasing returns and fractal dynamics, in networked people.
    54. 1996-08-07 forwarded message from root@email.johncon.com, concerning the ubiquity of fractals.
    55. 1996-08-12 Re: Traditional Wisdom... LO9032, concerning the implications of fractal systems on causality in MBO and Taylor's time-motion studies.
    56. 1996-08-12 Re: Traditional Wisdom... LO9059, concerning the implications of fractal systems on causality in MBO and Taylor's time-motion studies, and a host of other things.
    57. 1996-08-19 Re: Traditional Wisdom... LO9064, concerning the predictability of organizations in a complexity-theoretic sense.
    58. 1996-08-27 Re: Implementation of Pay for Performance/Tribus, concerning the "Hawthorne Effect" in worker incentives.
    59. 1996-10-07 forwarded message from Gordon Irlam, concerning the function of information technology in the organization, inductive reasoning, and BPR.
    60. 1996-10-09 Re: Peer Performance Ratings LO10400, concerning peer review as a zero-sum game.
    61. 1996-10-15 Re: NASA, TQM, and SPK/Kerr, concerning the argument that the budget process is inherently a zero-sum game, with all its consequences, NASA, Greek politics and the ancient Sumerians.
    62. 1998-01-30 Re: David Morrison, concerning David Morrison's book, "The Profit Zone," and questions and answers for executive management regarding entropic economics.

  25. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to the US GDP, (1999-2005)?

    1. 1999-02-15 Re: Positive & Negative Bubbles in Asian Markets and Re: Noise Trading and the Asian Market "Holes, concerning the ubiquity of economic bubbles.
    2. 1999-04-06 Re: Velocity Of Money: What UNITS?, concerning a fractal analysis of the M1, M2, and M3.
    3. 1999-09-05 Re: WWII: Causes and Effects., concerning the ubiquity of economic bubbles.
    4. 2001-03-12 Re: Recessions in the past century, concerning the probabilities of the duration and magnitude of recessions in the USGDP.
    5. 2001-03-17 Re: Be glad no Privatized Soc. Security went down stock-crash rathole too, concerning the efficacy of FED actions in economic affairs.
    6. 2001-06-14 Re: The macro value of information, concerning business cycles, and the expansion and contraction of the US GDP.
    7. 2001-08-16 People are worried, concerning the change in requested information from the http://www.johncon.com/ntropix/ site.
    8. 2001-08-16 Re: GDP growth versus Stock market growth: I don't get it, concerning long term metrics on equity markets and the US GDP.
    9. 2001-09-20 U.S. recovery: Recession is certain, economists say, concerning the WTC catastrophe being a 4 sigma event, and the equity market's predictable reaction.
    10. 2001-12-04 Re: lognormal distribution and brownian motion, concerning how Brownian motion fractals are related to the GDP, with the constituent agents having a lognormal distribution, and the GDP leptokurtosis.
    11. 2005-03-16 Social Security Insolvency, concerning the probabilities of whether it will be, or not, in 2042.

  26. Can the same principles of fractal analysis be applied to the durations of civilizations, (1998-2003)?

    1. 1998-01-04 David McCullum, concerning David McCullum's comment on history, and fractal implications.
    2. 1998-01-16 A leap of faith with fractal analysis ..., concerning a leap of faith by fractal analysis of civilizations.
    3. 2003-04-01 Re: WW1 & WW2 like events to occur somewhere in year 2500 thereabouts; History repeats in blocks theory, concerning a mathematical model of civilization.

  27. What is the relationship between fractal analysis, game theory, and entropic economics, (1995-2001)?

    1. 1995-01-16 Re: War, Compet., Capitalism, Prosperity, Income Gaps, concerning the distribution of wealth in a group.
    2. 1996-01-09 forwarded message from Kimberly Bodelson, concerning game-theoretic methodologies and economic theory.
    3. 1996-01-15 Tomorrow Intel posts earnings, concerning the use of correlative methods used in equity value and GDP forecasting.
    4. 1996-01-28 Re: Need- Conflict Exercise LO5173, concerning Shubik's dollar bill auction.
    5. 1996-04-23 Tutorial on fractal speculative games, tutorial on fractal analysis of speculative games.
    6. 1996-05-01 Re: Fwd: [64] JAPAN'S FY '96 GDP GROWTH PREDICTED AT 1.3-2.9, concerning the Japanese economy, forecastability, macroeconomics, and complexity-theoretic issues of fractal/chaotic dynamics.
    7. 1996-05-01 forwarded message from John Conover, concerning the Japanese economy, forecastability, macroeconomics, and complexity-theoretic issues of fractal/chaotic dynamics.
    8. 1996-06-13 forwarded message from Michael McMaster, concerning the misuse of statistical demographics in non-single simplex systems.
    9. 1996-07-15 forwarded message from Melanie Mitchell, concerning complex systems, Godelian issues, and their implications to science and rationality.
    10. 1996-08-14 Deming said, "in God we trust, all others bring data", concerning the correlation between corporate tax rate and economic growth, quote from Deming "In God we trust; all others bring data".
    11. 1996-08-14 Re: Deming said, "in God we trust, all others bring data", concerning the correlation between corporate tax rate and economic growth, quote from Deming "In God we trust; all others bring data".
    12. 1996-09-15 Re: Judgment, Evaluation, Feedback, etc. LO9962, concerning jumping to conclusions with bell curves.
    13. 1996-10-17 Re: NASA, TQM, and SPK/Kerr, concerning the argument that the budget process is inherently a zero-sum game, with all its consequences, NASA, Greek politics and the ancient Sumerians, NASA management, Godel, Arrow, Szilard, and Bronowski's "Ascent of Man".
    14. 1996-10-22 Re: 10/22/96 S.F. chronicle re INS vs.courts, concerning axiomatic rule generation and the Supreme Court.
    15. 1996-10-26 Re: SFI, concerning statistical demographics, fractal and chaotic systems.
    16. 1996-10-28 Business News Headlines [Oct 28 3 am PST], concerning a simple, personal, fractal system experiment, and implications to increasing and decreasing returns in entropic economic theory.
    17. 1996-10-30 NTT aims to offer low-cost network service by 2005, concerning loosing the technological edge, the phone system, and lock in do to historical lottery.
    18. 1996-11-08 Commercial Announcement: UCLA course on "Evolutionary Computation", concerning adaptive computation.
    19. 1996-11-13 Woman Who Fed Parking Meters Won't Quit, concerning laws and self-referential axiomatic systems.
    20. 1996-11-14 Reminders for Thursday, November 14, 1996, concerning Leibnitz, Godel, self-referential systems, and their related history.
    21. 1996-11-21 SFI Informal Talk: Stuart Hameroff (Wed, 11/27, 11AM), concerning the epistemological issues of Godel and Turing's premiss.
    22. 1997-01-22 SFI Colloquium Series--Per Bak (Fri, 1/24, 4:00 PM), concerning Per Bak, and some comments on noise trading, chaotic systems, and catastrophe theory, and the theory of bold play.
    23. 1997-01-27 SANTA FE INSTITUTE COLLOQUIUM SERIES--Axel Leijonhufvud (Tues, 1/28, 12:15 PM), concerning the field of economics reinventing itself in this decade using entropic techniques.
    24. 1997-02-20 Mexico's economy roars back from recession in 1996, concerning speculation on using fractal analysis on national GDP's, China and Mexico.
    25. 1997-03-10 Big discrepancies in diet results, concerning the use of demographic statistics in non-single simplex systems of the health care industry.
    26. 1997-03-15 ****US Electronic Sales Top $409 Billion In 1996 03/14/97, concerning electronic industry fraction of GDP, historical industries, and management paradigms.
    27. 1997-03-22 Visitors/Events - Weeks of 3/24 & 3/31, concerning Shubik's dollar bill auction, and its historical perspective in economics.
    28. 1997-04-10 Reminders for Thursday, April 10, 1997, concerning the predictability of deterministic systems, like the planets, (the three body problem.)
    29. 1997-04-15 Italian-Led Force Steams Toward Albania, concerning how history is a lottery, George Washington, Arch Duke Ferdinand, WWI, and WWII.
    30. 1997-11-14 Reminders for Friday, November 14, 1997, concerning Leibnitz, Godel, self-referential systems, and their related history.
    31. 1997-11-14 RE: forwarded message from root@email.johncon.com, concerning a way for intuitive understanding of chaotic systems-serialization.
    32. 1998-01-09 Reminders for Friday, January 9, 1998, concerning progressive tax systems and fractal distribution of wealth.
    33. 1998-10-07 forwarded message from Jud Wolfskill, concerning the importance of Nash equilibrium as a unification for macroeconomics, neoclassical economics, and entropic economics.
    34. 1998-10-07 FUD in the economy?, concerning the likelihood that the current economic downturn is the beginning of a depression, like 1929.
    35. 1998-10-08 Re: FUD in the economy?, concerning the likelihood that the current economic downturn is the beginning of a depression, like 1929.
    36. 1998-12-14 Re: Utility, Transitivity, and Economic Modeling, concerning self-referential indeterminism and Nash equilibrium.
    37. 1998-12-15 Re: Models - A reply to John's message, concerning science as a fractal.
    38. 1998-12-19 Re: General Equilibrium Model, concerning the General Equilibrium Model and Nash equilibrium.
    39. 1998-12-19 Re: Arrows Impossibility Theorem, concerning Kenneth Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.
    40. 1998-12-25 Re: Predictability, concerning mechanistic systems, complexity, and indeterminism.
    41. 1998-12-25 Re: General Equilibrium Model, concerning the General Equilibrium Model and Nash equilibrium, and the run lengths of cultures.
    42. 1998-12-28 Re: Chaos v. survival (was Re: General Equilibrium Model), concerning the General Equilibrium Model and Nash equilibrium, and the run lengths of cultures.
    43. 1998-12-28 Re: General Equilibrium Model, concerning the General Equilibrium Model and Nash equilibrium, and a contradiction.
    44. 1998-12-28 Re: Chaos v. survival (was Re: General Equilibrium Model), concerning the General Equilibrium Model and Nash equilibrium, and industrial markets.
    45. 1998-12-29 Re: General Equilibrium Model, concerning the General Equilibrium Model and Nash equilibrium, and data set size requirements for equity analysis.
    46. 1999-01-05 Re: Capitalism is exactly like a school of piranha in a feeding, concerning intransitivity of ranking priorities in groups, (ie., Kenneth Arrow's so called "impossibility theorem").
    47. 1999-01-13 Re: General Equilibrium Model, concerning the General Equilibrium Model and Nash equilibrium.
    48. 1999-04-08 Re: Market Predictions, concerning equity market efficiency, and the EMH.
    49. 1999-04-18 Re: Mahathir's Phobia of Speculators, concerning financial crisis and speculation in Asia, and the paradox of the EMH.
    50. 1999-04-19 Re: Mahathir's Phobia of Speculators, concerning financial crisis and speculation in Asia, and the paradox of the EMH.
    51. 1999-04-19 Re: Mahathir's Phobia of Speculators, concerning financial crisis and speculation in Asia, and the paradox of the EMH.
    52. 1999-04-20 Re: Mahathir's Phobia of Speculators, concerning financial crisis and speculation in Asia, and the paradox of the EMH.
    53. 1999-04-20 Re: Mahathir's Phobia of Speculators, concerning financial crisis and speculation in Asia, and the paradox of the EMH.
    54. 1999-04-29 Re: SGP versus Switching Campaigns; wisest strategy, concerning a simple market strategy based on the EMH.
    55. 1999-05-02 Re: Has S&P made a mistake or is Microsoft worth 400 billion?, concerning over valuation of Microsoft.
    56. 1999-05-03 Re: Optimal Stock Market Strategy Re: SGP versus Switching Campaigns;, concerning a simple market strategy based on the EMH.
    57. 1999-05-04 Re: Optimal Stock Market Strategy Re: SGP versus Switching Campaigns; wisest strategy, concerning a simple market strategy based on the EMH.
    58. 1999-05-04 Re: Optimal Stock Market Strategy Re: SGP versus Switching Campaigns; wisest strategy, concerning a simple market strategy based on the EMH.
    59. 1999-05-04 Re: Optimal Stock Market Strategy Re: SGP versus Switching Campaigns; wisest strategy, concerning a simple market strategy based on the EMH.
    60. 1999-05-05 Re: Microsoft is propping the market, and may crash with MSFT Re: Has S&P made a mistake or is Microsoft worth 400 billion?, concerning over valuation of Microsoft, gains in the market, and their distribution, including crashes.
    61. 1999-05-06 Re: Microsoft is propping the market, and may crash with MSFT Re: Has S&P made a mistake or is Microsoft worth 400 billion?, concerning over valuation of Microsoft, gains in the market, and their distribution, including crashes.
    62. 1999-05-14 Re: Telecommunications & Infrastructure (was Re: The nature of capital (was: capitalist economics is NOT optimally efficient), concerning monopolies, the social welfare function, and Kenneth Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.
    63. 1999-05-14 Re: Telecommunications & Infrastructure (was Re: The nature of capital (was: capitalist economics is NOT optimally efficient), concerning monopolies, the social welfare function, and Kenneth Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.
    64. 1999-05-17 Re: Will the rich get richer f o r e v e r ?, concerning the distribution of wealth, path dependency, and Bill Gates.
    65. 1999-05-22 Re: Friedman VS Keyneslan, concerning US GDP, expansion and contractions, and monetarism and/or Keynesianism.
    66. 1999-05-23 Re: Friedman VS Keyneslan, concerning US GDP, expansion and contractions, and monetarism and/or Keynesianism.
    67. 1999-06-02 Re: Price, value and the creation of wealth, concerning iterated games with fractal characteristics, and self-referential systems.
    68. 1999-07-07 Re: Time Varying Dimensions of Time Series, concerning a reference to Mandelbrot article in Scientific American, February, 1999.
    69. 1999-07-09 Re: Time Varying Dimensions of Time Series, concerning a reference to Mandelbrot article in Scientific American, February, 1999.
    70. 1999-07-19 Re: Profit dreariness, concerning Microsoft's capitalization and speculative valuation.
    71. 1999-07-20 Re: Profit dreariness, concerning Microsoft's capitalization and speculative valuation.
    72. 1999-07-21 Re: Profit dreariness, concerning Microsoft's capitalization and speculative valuation.
    73. 1999-08-03 Re: Household debt at an all-time high. Head for the hills!, concerning the distribution of wealth in the US.
    74. 1999-08-06 Re: *** BLACK FRIDAY ON WALL STREET TOMORROW? ***, concerning investing strategies as a mixed-mode game-theoretic solution.
    75. 1999-08-15 Re: WWII, concerning the Great Depression being a contagion, and the effect of WWII.
    76. 1999-08-16 Re: WWII, concerning the Great Depression being a contagion, and the effect of WWII.
    77. 1999-08-16 Re: WWII, concerning the Great Depression being a contagion, and the effect of WWII.
    78. 1999-08-18 Re: Why are economists reviled?, concerning complex economic systems, and chances of success of inductive methodologies.
    79. 1999-08-19 Re: WWII, concerning the Great Depression being a contagion, and the effect of WWII.
    80. 1999-08-23 Re: Why are economists reviled?, concerning complex economic systems, and chances of success of inductive methodologies.
    81. 1999-08-30 Re: Proposal for new "engineer.sci.economics", concerning prediction in non-linear dynamical systems.
    82. 1999-09-02 Re: WWII: Causes and Effects., concerning the Great Depression being a contagion, and the effect of WWII.
    83. 1999-09-04 Re: WWII: Causes and Effects., concerning the Great Depression being a contagion, and the effect of WWII.
    84. 1999-09-05 Re: WWII: Causes and Effects., concerning the Great Depression being a contagion, and the effect of WWII.
    85. 1999-09-12 Re: The Death of Rational Knowledge, concerning entropic analysis of market bubbles, and mixing with inductive/macroeconomics.
    86. 1999-10-02 Re: Pareto, concerning mathematics as a religion.
    87. 1999-10-13 Re: what is the paradox of thrift, concerning thrift being paradoxical-a self-referential system.
    88. 1999-10-26 Re: QUESTIONs: Probability of 1837/1929 type U. S. downturn, Some, concerning investing in the equity markets considered gambling.
    89. 2000-12-18 Re: entropy spreadsheet, concerning concerning the relevance of stochastic analysis.
    90. 2000-12-18 Re: entropy spreadsheet, concerning the value of information theory in stochastic analysis.
    91. 2001-01-03 rms of indices, concerning the increase of the rms of marginal returns on the indices before a market "crash".
    92. 2001-01-03 Re: rms of indices, concerning the increase of the rms of marginal returns on the indices before a market "crash".
    93. 2001-02-13 Re: Efficient Markets Hypothesis, concerning the paradox of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, (EMH).
    94. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems.
    95. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems, and some book recomendations.
    96. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems, and some book recomendations.
    97. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems, and some book recomendations.
    98. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems.
    99. 2001-03-13 Re: A year ago today, the NASDAQ was at an all time high, concerning deterministic and stochastic systems.

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